What is therapy like with Me?

"You need not, and in fact cannot, teach an acorn to grow into an oak tree, but when given a chance, its intrinsic potentialities will develop. Similarly, the human individual, given a chance, tends to develop his particular human potentialities." — Psychoanalyst Karen Horney

The above quote refers to the power of the human spirit. This idea inspires my work every day. Everyone has the potential to find their real self, and often just need to find the right support.

But that support looks different for everyone.

There’s a common conception of a therapist as someone who is silent, nods and writes notes while you talk. If that’s what you’re looking for, that’s great, but you might not find that here.

I am an active participant in each of our sessions. I will listen to you, work hard to engage you in a way that inspires your curiosity and reflection, and I will challenge you to take the next steps you need to take—whatever that is for you.

Sometimes people seek therapy to "get advice" or want someone to "just tell me what to do." While I can give you the Cliff Notes version of what you're dealing with and what you can or "should" do, ultimately you are the author of your own story, and I believe my role is to help you understand yourself better in writing that narrative.